- Marriages-12/2/2013
- Prayer for Children-10/15/2013
- Repentance-9/5/2013
- Relational Walls-5/10/2013
- Peace- 3/21/13
- Forgiving Others 2/12/2013
- Full Armor of God Prayer-1/31/2013
- The Role of Woman
"My Father's Prayers" is a section of my blog to provide my readers with some of the many doctrinal prayers my father has been lead to write. Many years ago, he was moved by the Lord to help Christians learn how to pray by making use of doctrines straight from the Word of God. His writing project is a publication that provides 50 + doctrinal prayers to help people begin to pray doctrinally. It is our desire to bless you with some of these prayers. I will post one prayer per month - so please come back monthly to check out the latest prayer. You have my father's permission to print these prayers for your personal use. - Jessi
“Marriage is to be held in
honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and
adulterers God will judge.”
(Hebrews 13:4)
The enemy
attacks marriages in order to destroy the order of the marriage of the
Lamb. By standing in the power of God’s
doctrines in preserving marriage, we are standing in the everlasting covenant
of Christ’s marriage with the Church.
Prayer for Children
"He must be one who
manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all
Timothy 3:4)
Keeping his
children under control - This does not mean that his “children” should reveal
oppressive behavior, whatever may be true on that point. It refers to “the
father” being a serious man in his family; a man free from levity of character,
and from silliness and uncertainty in his conversation with his children. It does not mean that he should be severe,
stern, or gloomy, which are traits often mistaken for an oppressive father and
are inconsistent with the proper spirit of a true father. He should be a serious and sober minded man
who maintains proper “dignity”; maintains self-respect, and whose behavior
should be such as to inspire others with respect for him.
Our children are
the living example and fruit of our devotion to the ordinances of God’s holy
commands – be fruitful and multiply. The
enemy knows the children are the next generation of the manifested fruit of
God. He works to consume their minds
with levity of character and fleshly indulgences. We must not only pray for our own children,
but the children of others who seem to be struggling with the deeds of
darkness. Our devotion to praying for
His children gives us the responsibility to care for the Body of Christ as a
complete unit.
the Mighty name of You, Lord, and by the power of Your blood, I come against
any and all powers of darkness causing or intensifying the out-of-control
behavior of (child’s name)_____. I ask
that You subdue all of the work of the enemy in this child’s life. I ask
You would chase away all the wicked and manipulative works of darkness
the enemy is using against this child. I
pray that you would manifest Yourself in and around _____’s life by bringing
the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If there
is any forms of rebellion, I renounce it in Jesus name. I thank you for the plans You have for this
child. I rejoice in Your perfect and
just will for this child’s life. I put
their future in Your hands. I ask that
You sovereignly direct and reveal to _____ Your life mission and plans for
them. Grant to this child the wisdom to
discern Your will and embrace it with the fullness of joy. Please give their parents the wisdom to lead
them according to Your Divine purpose. Amen.
“When they heard this, they
quieted down and glorified God,
saying, "Well then, God
has granted to the Gentiles
also the repentance that leads to
(Acts 11:18)
Father, I praise Your name for the grace that has come to me through the Lord Jesus
Christ. I rejoice in the victory, which
You have provided for me to live above sin and failure. I come before You in confession and to plead
Your mercy over my own sins. I confess
my sins of lukewarmness, apathy, and worldliness. I specifically confess my sin of ___________
(list all the known sins that have bound you – adultery, drug abuse etc.). I acknowledge before You the wickedness of
the worldly environment by which I have allowed myself to be influenced. I accept Your forgiveness and mercy for the
sins I have committed against You. I
plead the sufficiency of the blood of Christ to meet the full penalty of what
my sins deserve. I claim back the ground
in my life, which I have given over to Satan by believing the enemy’s
deception. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, I resist all of Satan’s activity that is holding me blind and causing
me to function in darkness. Exercising
my authority, which is given to me in my union with the Lord Jesus Christ, I
pull down the strongholds, which the kingdom of darkness has formed against
me. I smash, break, and destroy all
those plans formed against my mind, will, emotions, and body. In prayer, I destroy the spiritual blindness
and deafness that Satan has kept upon me.
I invite the Holy Spirit of God to bring the fullness of His power to
convict, to bring me to further repentance, and to lead me into faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ. I claim the Truth that Satan has no power to blind me from
Your Truth.
thank You for bringing me under conviction, leading me to pray this prayer of
repentance, and for answering my prayer of deliverance. I joyfully lay this prayer before You in the
worthiness of Christ and the completed work on the Cross. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Relational Walls
“Therefore I, the prisoner of
the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you
have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing
tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you
were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:1-6)
The unity of the Spirit - a united spirit or
oneness of spirit. This refers to more than the fact there is one Holy Spirit;
it also refers to unity of affection, confidence, and love that is to exist
between all Bridal members of Christ (Christians). It means Christians should be united in mind
and affection, and not be split into groups and doctrinal factions. It may be implied here, as is undoubtedly
true, that such a unity would only be possible by and through the Holy Spirit;
and that, as there is but one Spirit who unites our hearts back to God, we
certainly ought to have the same goal for each other. There is always danger of division where people
are brought together in a particular society.
There are so many different views of God by way of intellect and
feeling; the mode of education and training; and personal interpretation - all
contributing to the constant danger of division. Satan has used these tools of the tree of
knowledge for many generations, to bring about relational walls that separate
the Body of Christ. Pray against them!
Lord Jesus, I believe and know that relationships are for the divine purpose of
revealing Your message of Truth to those You bring into our lives. I boldly stand before Your throne. I appropriate the power and authority You
have given me as a Child of God. I am a
lover of Your Truth and Righteousness and it is because of that love that I
pull down the walls, relationships, and barriers that Satan and his kingdom are
building between _____ (person you are struggling with) and me. I pray Lord,
that You would demolish all the destructive strongholds the kingdom of darkness
has been able to erect between us. I ask
my Lord, for You to unleash the mighty power of the loving heavenly Father on
our relationship to make it all You want it to be. I ask that the Holy Spirit to put within
_____ and me Your fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
By the faith You have given me by Your own measurement, I pray the
healing power of the true and living Word to break down all strongholds in our
relationship that rise up against Your hand.
I ask for healing in our relationship and if you lead me to seek their
forgiveness for anything I have done to hurt_____– make me willing. I ask all this in Your mighty name. Amen.
“And with your feet fitted with
the gospel of peace as a firm footing”
"Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your
heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27)
“But now in Christ Jesus you
who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace…”
Loving heavenly Father, by faith and
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I put on the shoes of peace. I accept Your declaration that I am justified
and have peace with You. May my mind grasp that wondrous Truth with ever
increasing awareness. I thank You, Lord,
that I need not carry any anxiety, or suffer from inner torment or
turmoil. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ,
that You have invited me to make all of my needs known to You through
prayer. Teach me to wait in Your
presence until Your inner peace comes as a practical experience, which
transcends my human understanding and destroys all anxiety. I desire to know the strong presence of Your
peace. May You walk and live through me
in those moments when I am tempted to find false peace in the world.
Forgiving Others
“Sufficient for such a one is
this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, so that on the contrary
you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a one might be
overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.”
(2 Corinthians 2:6-7)
Jesus, Heavenly Father, I have sinned against You and _____ (person to whom you
are embittered) by harboring resentment, hurt, and bitterness for their offense
against me. Please cleanse me from this
sin. I now unconditionally forgive _____ for the wrong committed against
me. I ask that You would reclaim all
ground in my life that Satan’s kingdom has claimed against me because of my
unforgiveness and bitterness. In the name
of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit, I stand against any lies and powers
of darkness that were assigned against me because of my unforgiving ways. I submit myself to You and ask that You turn
me into a vessel of forgiveness.
choose now to love _____ with Your love, acceptance, and forgiveness. I offer myself up to You as a living
sacrifice to be used by You to rebuild the relationship, if You deem it
necessary. I pray that You would empower
me with the strength I need to go to _____ and seek their forgiveness for my
part of the offense or for my reactions.
I ask that You would cover me with the power of Your grace and
mercy. It is in the Forgiver’s name
(Jesus Christ) I pray. Amen.
The Full Armor Of God Prayer
“Put on the whole armor of God
that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the
6:11, NKJV)
Heavenly Father, I desire to be obedient by being strong in the Lord and the power of Your might. I see this is Your will and purpose for me. I recognize it is essential to put on the armor that You have provided. I do so now with gratitude and praise that You have provided all I need to stand in victory against Satan and his kingdom. Grant me wisdom to discern the tactics and sneakiness of Satan’s strategy against me. Enable me to wrestle in victory against the princes, powers, rulers, and wicked spirits who carry the battle of darkness against me.
I delight to take the armor You have provided. By faith, I put it on as effective spiritual protection against the spiritual forces of darkness.
I confidently take the loin girdle of Truth You offer me. I take Him who is the Truth as my strength and protection. I reject Satan’s lies and deceiving ways that try to gain advantage against me. Grant me discernment and wisdom to recognize the subtle deceiving ways in which Satan seeks to cause me to accept his lies as truth. I desire to believe only in the Truth, to live the Truth, to speak the Truth, and to know the Truth. I worship and praise You, that You lead me only in the ways of Truth. Thank You that Satan cannot stand against the bold use of the Truth.
I embrace the breastplate of righteousness, which you offer me. I eagerly accept it and put it on as my protection. I ask You to cleanse me of all the times I have counted my own goodness as being acceptable before You. I bring the righteousness of my Lord directly against all of Satan’s works against me.
I embrace the sandals of peace You have provided. I desire that my feet should stand on the solid rock of peace You have provided. I claim the peace of God, which is mine through justification. Thank You for not giving me a spirit of fear - but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. Thank You that Satan cannot stand against Your peace.
I take my helmet of Salvation and choose to put it on. I cover my mind and my thoughts with Your Salvation. I recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Salvation. I invite Your mind to be in me. Let me think Your thoughts; feel Your love and compassion; and discern Your will and leading in all things. May the Salvation of my Lord Jesus meet and defeat all satanic thoughts that come to my mind.
With joy, I take and embrace the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I affirm that Your Word is the trustworthy, infallible Word of God. I choose to believe it and to live in its Truth and power. I accept your cleansing from the sin of neglecting Your Word. Empower me to have proficient recall and skill in using Your Word against all of Satan’s attacks against me, even as my Lord Jesus used the Word against Satan. I take back any ground the enemy has gained while I was lazy and disobedient in proclaiming Your Word. Thank You that Satan must retreat from Your Word applied against him.
Thank You, Father, for prayer. Cause me to keep this armor well-oiled with the power of prayer. I desire to pray at all times with depth and intensity as the Holy Spirit leads me. I reject all fleshly praying as sin. I trust the Holy Spirit to enable me and to intercede for me and through me. All of these petitions, intercessions, and words of praise I offer up before the true and living God in the name and worthy merit of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
The Role of Woman Prayer
Dear Father,
I know that you have given us women to be completer and helper for men. I believe all of what Your stated scripture say regarding the role of a woman. I believe she is a co-heir of Your grace and that You have made her perfect in Your sight. I renounce all the ways that man has attempted to make less than man. I accept her and the way You have created her. I choose now to pray for all the women that are being used and mistreated by man. I ask that You would protect her and her children from the men that tend to take advantage of her and the way You have made her. I claim your peace for all those who are in abusive relationships. I ask that you would show all men that You have given women to mankind to complete them not abuse them. These things I pray in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I desire to be obedient by being strong in the Lord and the power of Your might. I see this is Your will and purpose for me. I recognize it is essential to put on the armor that You have provided. I do so now with gratitude and praise that You have provided all I need to stand in victory against Satan and his kingdom. Grant me wisdom to discern the tactics and sneakiness of Satan’s strategy against me. Enable me to wrestle in victory against the princes, powers, rulers, and wicked spirits who carry the battle of darkness against me.
I delight to take the armor You have provided. By faith, I put it on as effective spiritual protection against the spiritual forces of darkness.
I confidently take the loin girdle of Truth You offer me. I take Him who is the Truth as my strength and protection. I reject Satan’s lies and deceiving ways that try to gain advantage against me. Grant me discernment and wisdom to recognize the subtle deceiving ways in which Satan seeks to cause me to accept his lies as truth. I desire to believe only in the Truth, to live the Truth, to speak the Truth, and to know the Truth. I worship and praise You, that You lead me only in the ways of Truth. Thank You that Satan cannot stand against the bold use of the Truth.
I embrace the breastplate of righteousness, which you offer me. I eagerly accept it and put it on as my protection. I ask You to cleanse me of all the times I have counted my own goodness as being acceptable before You. I bring the righteousness of my Lord directly against all of Satan’s works against me.
I embrace the sandals of peace You have provided. I desire that my feet should stand on the solid rock of peace You have provided. I claim the peace of God, which is mine through justification. Thank You for not giving me a spirit of fear - but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. Thank You that Satan cannot stand against Your peace.
now lift up my shield of faith against all the blazing missiles Satan and his
hosts fire at me. I recognize You are my shield and in Your incarnation and
crucifixion, You took the arrows of the enemy for me. By faith, I count upon You to shield me from
above and beneath; my right and my left; and my front and back; that I might be
protected, walled in, and encapsulated by you, so that Satan may not be able to
hurt or destroy me from fulfilling Your will today. Thank You, Lord Jesus that You are a complete
and perfect shield and that Satan cannot touch me apart from Your sovereign
I take my helmet of Salvation and choose to put it on. I cover my mind and my thoughts with Your Salvation. I recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Salvation. I invite Your mind to be in me. Let me think Your thoughts; feel Your love and compassion; and discern Your will and leading in all things. May the Salvation of my Lord Jesus meet and defeat all satanic thoughts that come to my mind.
With joy, I take and embrace the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I affirm that Your Word is the trustworthy, infallible Word of God. I choose to believe it and to live in its Truth and power. I accept your cleansing from the sin of neglecting Your Word. Empower me to have proficient recall and skill in using Your Word against all of Satan’s attacks against me, even as my Lord Jesus used the Word against Satan. I take back any ground the enemy has gained while I was lazy and disobedient in proclaiming Your Word. Thank You that Satan must retreat from Your Word applied against him.
Thank You, Father, for prayer. Cause me to keep this armor well-oiled with the power of prayer. I desire to pray at all times with depth and intensity as the Holy Spirit leads me. I reject all fleshly praying as sin. I trust the Holy Spirit to enable me and to intercede for me and through me. All of these petitions, intercessions, and words of praise I offer up before the true and living God in the name and worthy merit of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
The Role of Woman Prayer
Dear Father,
I know that you have given us women to be completer and helper for men. I believe all of what Your stated scripture say regarding the role of a woman. I believe she is a co-heir of Your grace and that You have made her perfect in Your sight. I renounce all the ways that man has attempted to make less than man. I accept her and the way You have created her. I choose now to pray for all the women that are being used and mistreated by man. I ask that You would protect her and her children from the men that tend to take advantage of her and the way You have made her. I claim your peace for all those who are in abusive relationships. I ask that you would show all men that You have given women to mankind to complete them not abuse them. These things I pray in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Permission granted for reproduction in it's entirety. IOM AMERICA© 2007
Reprinted from, Book of Prayers - Dr. Stephen Phinney | Order Here