Prayer Closet

Matthew 6:6 (NASB)

 "But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you." 


In my passion for prayer and intercession I have in fact learned a thing or two, but it is only by the grace of a loving God.  He is the only one who can take the blinders from my eyes so that I can see His ways, and unplug my ears so that I can hear His voice. The two greatest lessons I have learned about prayer thus far is 1) I am not the one praying.  I don’t have to worry about “perfect words”.  The Lord wants me just as I am.  It is the Holy Spirit who is really interceding THROUGH me 2) you can never “arrive” at the perfect point of understanding prayer, or being a seasoned prayer warrior. I could pray 50 years straight and still need to cry out “teach me to pray Lord!”  I have also seen the way the Lord uses other people to teach me to pray, and that is why I want to be willing to share my own prayer journey.  This section is dedicated to sharing my personal “prayer closet” moments with you.  The only thing that you will find altered (at times) is the specifics, as some things are just meant to be just between you and Jesus.  I believe this will also help to make my prayer closet moments more applicable for you.

December 2, 2013

"Not In Self"

Sermon Excerpt from Andrew Murray

This demand of Christ's is one of unspeakable solemnity. Many a believer shrinks back from it. He can hardly understand it. He has become so accustomed to a low life of continual stumbling, that he hardly desires, and still less expects, deliverance. Holiness, perfect conformity to Jesus, unbroken fellowship with His love,can scarcely be counted distinct articles of his creed. Where there is not intense longing to be kept to the utmost from sinning, and to be brought into the closest possible union with the Saviour, the thought of being crucified with Him can find no entrance. The only impression it makes is that of suffering and shame: such a one is content that Jesus bore the cross, and so won for him the crown he hopes to wear. How different the light in which the believer who is really seeking to abide fully in Christ looks upon it. Bitter experience has taught him how, both in the matter of entire surrender and simple trust, his greatest enemy in the abiding life, is SELF. Now it refuses to give up its will; then again, by its working, it hinders God's work. Unless this life of self, with its willing and working, be displaced by the life of Christ, with His willing and working, to abide in Him will be impossible. And then comes the solemn question from Him who died on the cross: "Are you ready to give up self to the death?" You yourself, the living person born of God, are already in me dead to sin and alive to God; but are you ready now, in the power of this death, to mortify your members, to give up self entirely to its death of the cross, to be kept there until it be wholly destroyed? The question is a heart-searching one. Ain I prepared to say that the old self shall no longer have a word to say; that it shall not be allowed to have a single thought, however natural-not a single feeling, however gratifying-not a single wish or work, however right?

Is this in very deed what He requires? Is not our nature God's handiwork, and may not our natural powers be sanctified to His service? They may and must indeed. But perhaps you have not yet seen how the only way they can be sanctified is that they be taken from under the power of self, and brought under the power of the life of Christ. Think not that this is a work that you can do, because you earnestly desire it, and are indeed one of His redeemed ones. No, there is no way to the altar of consecration but through death. As you yielded yourself a sacrifice on God's altar as one alive from the dead (Rom.6:13, 7:1), so each power of your nature-each talent, gift, possession, that is really to be holiness to the Lord-must be separated from the power of sin and self, and laid on the altar to be consumed by the fire that is ever burning there. It is in the mortifying, the slaying of self, that the wonderful powers with which God has fitted you to serve Him, can be set free for a complete surrender to God, and offered to Him to be accepted, and sanctified, and used. And though, as long as you are in the flesh, there is no thought of being able to say that self is dead, yet when the life of Christ is allowed to take full possession, self can be so kept in its crucifixion place, and under its sentence of death, that it shall have ho dominion over you, not for a single moment. Jesus Christ becomes your second self.

Believer! would you truly and fully abide in Christ, prepare yourself to part for ever from self, and not to allow it, even for a single moment, to have aught to say in your inner life. If you are willing to come entirely away out of self, and to allow Jesus Christ to become your life within you, inspiring all your thinking, feeling, acting, in things temporal and spiritual, He is ready to undertake the charge. In the fullest and widest sense the word life ever can have, He will be your life, extending His interest and influence to each one, even the minutest, of the thousand things that make up your daily life. To do this He asks but one thing: Come away out of self and its life, abide in Christ and the Christ life, and Christ will be your life. The power of His holy presence will cast out the old life.

Lord Jesus, Thank you that Christ can be my very life.  That I do not have to live under the weight of my old man. He has been crucified with your Son!  It is only by the power of Your Spirit that my mind (thinking) may be renewed to believe and therefore act upon my true identity...Jesus Christ.  To no longer be ensnared by the lies that I am my sin. Enable me to see Your Word and life itself through Your eyes. To moment by moment realize I have a choice to deny self, and let the power of the I AM live through me-Body, Soul, and Spirit. Blessed Be Your Name that you require nothing of me that you cannot accomplish THROUGH me!  Amen and Amen. 

*Prayer by Jessi Phinney* 

October 15, 2013
From Jessi's prayer journal

Prayer for a Legacy

"Just as the father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him." ~Psalm 103:13

Lord, as You continue Your work of sanctification in me, release by the power of Your indwelling Life compassion upon others; especially in the lives of the next generation.

"For He Himself knows our frame, He is mindful that we are but dust." ~ Psalm 103:14

Heavenly Father,
Isn't that just like man to think that we are so much more then dust.  To losE sight of the importance of obeying You in the now.

"But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children." ~Pslam 103:17

Sweet Jesus,
I want to leave a  the here and now, as well as Lord willing one day with my own children of womb and heart, and their children's children.  Remind me continually that my choices always matter for future generations.

  • Thank you for the memories to build with the next generation
  • Thank you for working in the marriages around me
  • Thank You for Your faithfulness that is GREAT
  • Thank You for loving parents that love You 
  • Thank You for DEEP spiritual breakthroughs, and how you remind me prayer (and fasting) is NEVER in vain when done in obedience 
  • Thank you for shared revelations of Your truth with other indwelt believers 
  • Thank You for providing for our needs



June 4, 2013

Prayer and God's Work
By Watchman Nee

"Oftentimes, without your setting a time for prayer beforehand, you sense a burden to pray.  This indicates that that there is one item in God's will which requires your prayer.  Pray when you feel the burden of prayer--this is prayer according to God's will.  It is the Holy Spirit that constrains you to pray out the prayer which is in accordance with the will of God.  When the Holy Spirit is urging you to pray, you should do so.  If you do not pray, you will feel suffocated within as if there is something left undone.  In the event you still do not pray, you will feel even more weighed down.  Finally, if you do not pray at all, the spirit of prayer as well as the burden of prayer will be so dulled that it will be difficult for you to regain such feelings and to pray the prayer according to God's will afterwards. 

Each time God puts a prayer thought into us His Holy Spirit first moves us into having a burden to pray for a particular matter.  As soon as we receive such feeling we should immediately give ourselves to prayer.  We should pay the cost of praying well for this matter.  For when we are moved by the Holy Spirit our own spirit instantly senses a burden as though something were being laid upon on our heart.  After we pray it out we feel relieved as though having a heavy stone removed from off us.  But in case we do not pour it out in prayer, we will get the feeling of something not yet done.  If we do not pray it out we are not in harmony with God's heart.  We are to be faithful in prayer, that is to say, were we to pray as soon as the burden comes upon us, prayer would not become a weight, it instead would be light and pleasant."

Excerpt from "Let Us Pray" by Watchman Nee Copyright 1977 Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc. 


Beholding Greatness-March 21, 2013

By Jessi Phinney

Lord Jesus,

I am struck by the greatness of Your power.  Oh Lord, how often in a given day do I limit Your greatness in my thoughts and life by my lack of faith?  You were there, faithful and longing for me to come seeking, asking, believing, and then waiting on my God only.

I cannot overcome my impatience, unbelief, or disengaged heart~rather I must see and acknowledge my humanity and "nothingness" without the power of Christ lived out in me (2 Cor. 3:5).  I come everlasting God, and beseech You to grant me desire to wait, be quiet, and be still before You.  To find true joy as I wait upon the Lord.  To not grow consumed or worry by the clock of mankind, but yet live one day at a time in Your courts of praise (Psalm 84:2).

To acknowledge that through pleasant or unpleasant circumstances in this life (Jer.42:6) my entire being--body, soul, and Spirit would rejoice and delight in Your Presence as I wait.

You have fashioned the Spirit within me to wait upon Jesus, as intercessor, and Jesus our High Priest waits upon Your will--the will of the Father.  Thank You for the continual waiting in life and how it is the foundation for practicing Your Presence  and knowing Who You Are and the life You bring us.

Let me soul rest that waiting on You is never a waste, and is the safest place to be!

My soul waits...on God only! 

Endurance and Love 

By Frances J Roberts




Endurance is native to those who love, for truly love is to continue to love under all circumstances.  Man’s natural love is often an exchange, a mutual giving and receiving, but God’s true holy love will give when there is no exchange, because it does not require reward and is not motivated by gifts.

Love gives because it is its nature to give and so is not a respecter of persons nor conditions. “A friend loveth at all times”, and because he does, he endures.  He endures hardship, pain, privation, poverty, weariness, misunderstanding, and sacrifice of personal wishes or needs.  He endures.  He continues to give and continues to love giving, and in so doing he is preserved in the day of adversity. 

He is preserved from doubts, fears, and questionings.  He is protected against discouragement.  He is strengthened in weakness and sustained in trouble.  He is invincible.  And love is his sustaining force.  He endures, for he sees Him who is invisible…Him who is the epitome of love, and so he is at one with the Creator and receives a continuing creative power which is the secret of his endurance.  To be one with the source is to have an unfailing supply.
So bear cheerfully each day’s burden, for it is given to purify the soul.  In every trial there burns the Refiner’s fire.

*Excerpt from “Make Haste My Beloved” by Frances J Roberts

Pray for Those in Bonds


Sweet Jesus,
Thank you for my brothers and sisters of the persecuted church.  Thank you that they are an inspiration to what it means to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, and strength.  I lift up to you the many who are imprisoned for their faith in Jesus Christ in restricted and hostile nations.  We thank you that what Satan means for the destruction of the church, You only use for the good of the church and to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I ask that you would strengthen those who are being persecuted for Your name.  That you would speak Truth into their minds, uphold them when they are weak, comfort then in their pain, and grant them hope in Christ that will not disappoint.  Thank you that they are willing to take up their cross and follow You.  I thank you that Your eye is upon them, Your hand will guide them, and that You will not allow wicked to prevail.  That there will be a day when suffering is complete, and Your bride will be seated at the right hand of the Most High.  Until then, create a burden of intercession for each of us, to pray for one another, especially those who are paying it all to live a life that pleases You.  It is only in the powerful and blessed name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Thy Will Be Done.

Please donate to Voice of the Martyrs today and help the Persecuted Church! 

Valley of Vision

Heavenly Father,

If I should suffer need, and go unclothed, and be in poverty, make my heart prize Thy love, know it, be constrained by it, though I be denied all blessing.  It is Thy mercy to afflict and try me with wants, for by these trials, I see my sins, and desire severance from them.  Let me willingly accept misery, sorrows, temptations, if I can thereby feel sin as the greatest evil, and be delivered from it with gratitude to Thee, acknowledging this as the highest testimony of Thy love. 

When thy Son, Jesus came into my soul instead of sin He became more dear to me than sin had formerly been; His kindly rule replaced sin's tyranny.  Teach me to believe that if ever I would have sin subdued I must not only labour to overcome it, but must invite Christ to abide in the place of it, and He must become to me more than vile lust has been; that His sweetness, power; life may be there.  Thus I must seek a grace from Him contrary to sin, but must not claim it apart from Himself.

When I am afraid of evil to come, comfort me by showing me that in myself I am a dying, condemned wretch, but in Christ I am reconciled and live; that in myself I find insufficiency and no rest, but in Christ there is satisfaction and peace; that in myself I am feeble and unable to do good, but in Christ I have ability to do all things.  Though now I have His graces in part, I shall shortly have them perfectly in that state where Thou wilt show Thyself fully reconciled, and alone sufficient, efficient, loving me completely, with sin abolished.  O Lord, hasten that day!

From "The Valley of Vision" a collection of Puritan prayers.

National Day of Prayer

This Thursday, May 5th is the National Day of Prayer.  To many this is meaningless, pointless, and often forgotten.  However, God clearly states in His Word how He loves the prayers of His people (Ps 32:6).  He grants us the honor of being a part of releasing His will from heaven to earth (Matt. 16:19) and He desires us to be filled with belief in what He can accomplish. (Mark 11:22)  This Thursday, whether you choose to fast and pray, or just pray, keep in mind that our nation, leaders, and people are never out of God's sovereign rule.  No matter how scary things look, our God is greater (Ps 91:1-2) and we can place our trust in Him.  He is the one who appoints the rulers, both good and evil!  Join me in praying the following scriptures this Thursday.

  • Our Nation (Daniel 2:20-23)
  • Leaders (Ezekiel 36:24-27)
  • Israel (Ezekiel 37:26-28)
  • People (Isaiah 64:6-8)
  • Generations to come (Psalms 78:4-8)

Thank you for believing in the power of prevailing prayer!  I am blessed by the prayers of my fellow sisters in Christ, I love you sweet one.


October Sky


Precious Savior,

You are amazing, so far beyond what I comprehend.  Yet I fall prey to doubt, unbelief, or just the roller coaster emotions can bring.

Under another October sky I fall on my knees before You.  Seeing how detailed You are in all the creation around me, and I am humbled.  I surrender to the majesty and the power I can’t fully know here on this earth.  I entrust that my groaning will be answered in a way that pleases You, and will once again fill me with the strength I need to fight another day.  A fight full of faith, trust, belief, and knowing You a just a little bit more.

Jesus, how I need Thee!  Every second of every day, and even though my flesh hates dependency and weakness, I thank you for it. For this is where my greatest moments of know you really begin.
To all of who I am~ I love and adore You.  My lips praise Thee!  Thy Will Be Done.

Scriptures to Pray and Praise:
Jeremiah 32:17, 27
Matthew 10:30-31
Psalm 147:4

Taken from the personal prayer journal of Jessi (original date: 10/9/2010).