Why do we feel the need to be able to relate to others? I think this is an important question to ask. It’s one I have pondered the past couple of months, because often times, I don’t understand this “deep need” I have to connect with people. Why do I like asking so many questions? Why do I want to be able to pray with people? Why do I get so hurt when people don’t respond to me? I’m not sure I am any closer to the answer (to be honest with you) I do know the Lord has created us to desire fellowship. We see countless examples of that in His Word. Yet, in reflecting on these questions, I did discover something detrimental that my quest for wanting to relate to others can bring…Christian comparison. As with any “gift” (Romans 12:4-10) the Lord may have bestowed on us, there is a “flip side” of weakness in our flesh. Let me give you a few examples of what I mean. I found myself wondering why others related differently than I did…why they don’t respond to me in the same way I do to them…comparison.
Or how can we both be seeking the Lord and end up with totally “different blessings”…yes, we can say it again…comparison. To top that off, most of the time we like our “neighbor’s” blessings better than our own! Once again we find ourselves longing for what God has yet to give us, or has chosen not to give us whatsoever.
So, let’s take this a step further. Most of us would probably all agree that it is wrong to compare (The correct Biblical label would be coveting, but we don’t like that harsh word!J) you look at your friend, and then say to the Lord, “Why do they get that? Look how long I’ve been obedient, and I’m still waiting!”
These are the obvious “no no’s” of comparing, but have you ever thought of the ways we endorse comparison? For instance, “well, you really don’t have it that bad. Look at so and so. They have _________.” You fill in the blank…cancer, death of a loved one, financial hardships, relational heartbreak, a disabled spouse or child. The list goes on. So all the sudden, we conclude that God isn’t good, just, or demonstrating His Love towards us when we are in seasons (or a lifetime) of adversity or suffering? We say a lot of “stupid” things in the name of trying to build one another up! Now, I’m not saying we can’t learn from other’s hardships, or learn to appreciate the things God has given us. But why do we feel the need to compare one way or the other to make ourselves feel better?
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